The current mood of Lochinvar at

What's to become of me? How can I afford to see my sister in Chussy or my cousin in Roxbury?

05.29.02 - 9:06 a.m.

It has been two years today that I have been on my own, and I think I may possibly come out ahead in the current accountings, although I don't typically take inventory till midsummer. So we'll see about that then.

One year ago today, I curled up miserably with two miserable jobs that didn't make enough money, a cat that drove me nuts, a flea infested apartment, a lot of fanfic and nowhere to go, no real home, a lot of plants with neat names, a dead baby robin, and a severely depressed not-girlfriend with an ersatz husband and a big confusion, and I wondered what would become of me.

Today, I have a four bedroom house which I share with two lesbian roomies and the ambivolently bi, but sommat less depressed woman I sleep with, only recently re-invoked as girlfriend, who is still married, but in a very seperated way. I have my own domain, a nice, fixed cat who keeps bringing home mice and three other adorable monsters, only one of whom is a furry ball of howling insatiability, and whom her mommy needs to get fixed. I have one job, which /is/ retail, but which so does not suck, my Equality NC thing, and yes.

And my permit. I have that. I have drivablility, to a degree.

I have to go get fox and take her to the doctor's.

But, by god, I feel like I finally have a Home!

Though I still wonder what is going to become of me.

<<agé chose>>

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