The current mood of Lochinvar at

One more.

12.29.13 - 10:59 p.m.

I am sorry, and quiet, and so very little, so very little at all,
The hours move too fast, and I think of a city, and stop.

I think of a city. The idea of the city is that it is the last one. It is an archetype of a city, and it contains the essence of all that a city is and can be, and in its heart there is a tree. It is drifting into quietness, into a crystalline contemplation of itself. It is the city that happens when Tikkun Olam has been achieved, and everyone has come to an understanding, and also has joined with the tree, which is That One. The Final Ascent, so to speak. And the city glows slow and steady, the armageddon of enlightenment: because this is the way the world ends, neither with bang or whimper, but with apotheosis.

<<agé chose>>

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