The current mood of Lochinvar at

One night in Bangkok

06.14.02 - 3:41 p.m.

You know, I had no idea that that song is from 'Chess'. Then I listened to the lyrics yesterday.

You learn something new, et cetera.

I seem to have slept most of the day. This was not my intention. but when I am awake, I seem to niether be able to get anything done, or, when I do do something, I seem to be getting it wrong, and somebody is always laughing at me or something...

ya, thank you Miss Chi Chi Rodriguiez.

Well, last night I downloaded 'One night in Bangkok', and today the cable guy come and bestowed a modem upon us. I jump for joy from Sil's computer.

Temple tonight at 8. Or is it 7? Ach, I forget. I'll call.

Talked to the father of Fairlight's boy. He is very nice, and reasonable, and got a very good rate for the denting damage, and is letting me pay in installments. He has a very cool dutch accent.

Yesterday I wanted to listen to a tape in the car so I wound up driving to roxboro for the hell of it. Bought the books Being There and The House With a Clock in its Walls and a dollar statue of the Virgin Mary.

Asked the lady in the Christian bookstore if she had any hebrew anything. She didn't. Pouted.

Mount St. Dishes is speaking in tounges about me about vice and woe and roaches. Groan. Time to go pick up fox from work.

One night in bangkok is Robert-- Occasionally Coach-- Arden's favorite song, by the way. I think he likes playing competitive chess in the off seasons.

Hmm. I may have a new Coventrything after all.

Au Revoir.

<<agé chose>>

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