The current mood of Lochinvar at


12.21.03 - 12:12 a.m.

This is me being

a) as dead as a doornail,
b)stuffed fat like with candy,
c) sparkling and crinkly.

Fairylights and glitter and the return of the CATS videotape.

Sil has just found a pink scrap of paper under the bookshelf. One side has to do with a customer I was helping at work, one day. A darlingboy. It is not in my handwriting, rather, it's a message for me to call him. The other side, in my scrawl, bears the following cryptic laundry-list:

gold fabric light
back stair

I haven't the slightest idea.

I have to finish my Yuletide Treasure to-day.


<<agé chose>>

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