The current mood of Lochinvar at

Eris' lyre

09.15.01 - 6:43 p.m.

Hmm. But I won't post anything so dark and... dark as a tale of woe and etceteras, because the random (redundant, non?) blackness that seems to have had decended upon me so... randomly now seems to have, equally randomly, dissipitated.

Go figure. Not that I'm one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

I'm reading Freedom and Necessity by Steven Burst and Emma Bull, which is a good deal of fun, is sommat depressing fun orcestrated by a grand bunch of lovable and melodramatic English gits in the mid nineteenth. Hee.

Ooh. Laura has written a Horatiothing! Whee!!

Oh and. She might kill me for this, but it's been on my mind ever since tuesday. So with all due credit to it's brilliant creator, I give you an excerpt from the Desichado rp logs.


Sunday, 16 July 2017, 7:00 AM

After an early morning meeting at City Hall, Vera, with one free day before setting the plan in action, is in no hurry and decides to take a walk. Going down Nassau Street, she stops when she reaches Wall, and smiles as she looks into the broken windows of what had once been the New York Stock Exchange. There was a time not long ago, she thinks at the empty building,when good people thought that you were the sign of a degenerate society. Now you're gone, and society's considered more degenerate. What was once the second largest city in the world is now a ghost town, and here you are, a broken monument to what used to be the glory of the capitalist world. Fitting, don't you think, that you're in ruins while the American State crumbles around us? I wonder which caused which. I also wonder--her smile broadens--if the people who used to complain about you are yearning for you now.

No, it's not the WTC, but it seemed still fitting. We love you Vera, oh yes we do.

And one comment more. The American State seems hardly inclined to crumble, methinks. I submit for you also, concieved by a confrence of vets in 1927:

"Americanism is an unfailing love of country; loyalty to its institutions and ideals; eagerness to defend it against all enemies; undivided allegience to the flag; and a desire to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and prosterity."

<<agé chose>>

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