The current mood of Lochinvar at

The adventures of Falconman!

2001-07-21 - 11:30 a.m.

Today, FalconMan had a Yard Sale. He sold many things. Go Falcon Man!

Rabbit-girl is emptying her little apartment, after going all zyklon-B on the fleas last night.

You know, if Hitler had decided to holocaust fleas instead of people, he might have been canonized. instead he is just a fuckup.

Rabbit-girl is also enrolled in classes for the fall semester. intro to education thingies. Because she shall be a Teacher one day.

Enrolling had the curious effect of making her feel incredibly fucking stupid, in addition to the other multitudinous reasons she has for feeling like a fool this week.

What would Cordelia Naismith do?

FalconMan will think about it, and then he will put rabbithings in rabbitboxes.

there is nothing on my walls. This was my very first apartment. I am moving in with three other people. None of these people are my relations. I like this fact.

So does FalconMan. Wave bye, FalconMan!

*FalconMan Waves!*

<<agé chose>>

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