The current mood of Lochinvar at

So how do you really feel?

03.08.03 - 7:48 p.m.

Today I dropped fifty bucks to have my cards read-- sort of-- by a numerologist who said he thought I was The Chariot. Armor and power and all of that. He also said that I would be a guide when I grew up.

Better than a tailor, tinker, soldier, sailor, or kangaroo, I suppose.

He said that my personality was something of a Knight in Shining Armor.

I suppose that Lochinvar would agree, rather.

He said that I'd be 38 before my life settled down at all, and not until 50 would it reach any kind of stability. Well, big surprise there. Catalyst for hire, anyone? Tormented by a dull existance? Need your life blown to smithereens, re-arranged and glued back in fabulous crazy-glue mosaic? Call me. I'mm have our passports to Argentina before you can say 'don't cry for me'.

I still think that guy overcharged me.

<<agé chose>>

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