The current mood of Lochinvar at

Be a Lion.

03.23.03 - 9:29 p.m.

The onslaught of parents having been not only survived, but profited thereupon by the Fixing of the Bike and the Promise of Impending Tennishoes.

Stuff is depleating from my house with the winter. A 73 degree day today, and we've had a fire burning in the fireplace since noon. Bad poetry and old bank statements and other crap I really don't need met with the vengance of the flames and smoked away. Four years of hate and pain crammed into two bulky binders is now dissloved unto ash. Six episodes of Babylon Five consumed in one fell dose (the first six of season 5), and then followed hard upon by 'The Emperor's New Groove' and a trip out for Gelato. Life is Beginning.

This isn't bad. I sing with the Wiz.

<<agé chose>>

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