The current mood of Lochinvar at

plink plink plunk.

10.07.01 - 7:41 p.m.

it's me. I confess. /I/ am the Phantom! Bwa ha ha!

not really, but you probably figured that out on your own, huh?

Babbit wrote me today, and she called me a couple of days ago and she is giving me piano lessons, all of which makes life very fine. And I have given in and am reading Harry Potter. On book 2 now. Yipe. Stop the Madness.

you know, i love it when words get put onto paper and form something that threatens to become a story, don't you? Ihaven't done half of what I need to for English, but that's partially because I feel too damn heavy. David Hasselhoff SUCKS. I mean, a lot. We saw the Jekyll & Hyde video with him last night, and GOD he's bad! Although his Hyde was okay. Alan-Arnaud was outraged, not to mention the little actor boys. Which is what brought on the piano lessons.

I know what a middle C is now, and can ALMOST read notes! Whee!!!!

I am going to bounce away now, because Harry has just told Ron that Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago, ooh, ahh.

Andrea Orsini finds all of this very amusing, and goes back to painting a portrait of Camilla Belissima.

hee! I miss my Babbit like I miss Peter Lorre.

<<agé chose>>

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