The current mood of Lochinvar at

Free Power Animal to good home.

02.24.04 - 4:40 p.m.

Today's Power Animal is a Gazelle. Now the question is whose.

The other day, it was a Swan. That was pretty easy-- the Vision followed hard upon in Full Living Color and narration by Rob Brenzy. Sure, the person belonging to the Swan didn't and doesn't spatially exist, but his Idea belongs to someone who does, so that was all right.

So. About Gazelles. Mostly from here and here.

Gazelles are, for one, beautiful and graceful, much like Swans, if we're looking for themes here. However, they're a desert species, grazers and foragers, related to antelopes, and a lot of their species are nearing extinction due to overhunting. In the wild, they give birth in spring.

Really amazing thing about Gazelles is that a lot of them don't really drink water. They get their moisture from plant life, and are thusly incredibly resistant to drought. Spiritually, this probably has to do with emotional issues, water = emotions, love, that sort of thing.

Anyone in need of the ability to remain graceful and serene in the face of Emotional Drought, stay cool under fierce heat, find love and nourishment in apparently unfriendly and barren places? If so, The Gazelle may be your Perfect Powear animal.

Who else responds to alarming situations by merely quacking like a duck?

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