The current mood of Lochinvar at

Nothing to say but what a day.

04.21.03 - 8:10 p.m.

You see my dears, I really haven't anything to say. Or at least, nothing I feel it proper to utter here. Locking this creature seems too much bother, shutting it down entirely offends... something. So.

I shall continue, I think, to make these furtive, dancing, half-ish entries in which nothing is done and nothing is said, of any import or any great matter. I'll leave real life to the je ne sais quois and the cups, marmalade and tea to the lie, lie, lie, which most of you, I think, prefer anyway. i will do this until I can't anymore stand it.

This makes no difference to you, or me, I know. But It seemed most honest, as honest as I can be, to vaugely imply where we stand, O great empty mirror, thee and I. You in your stillness, I in my silence.

<<agé chose>>

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