The current mood of Lochinvar at

Can't sleep, Sims will eat me.

2001-08-16 - 8:43 p.m.

I'm wasting time until these @#$^%%&*! downloads finish. Little knick-knacks for The Sims.

I think I have a problem.

fucking addictive maxis games!!

But I discovered something odd today, which will make no sense to anyone unfamiliar with The Tower. I finally discovered something that Murfius, the Black Hatted man and dealer in hearts-desires, wants. Heh heh heh. must...type...more...

I'm fidgiting like a caffine addict. This can't be healthy.

I got bored with just my Prince Philip sword at the mouse to-day, so I spent the afternoon practicing two-handed sword forms. It was so fucking slow. Hmm, I think the Disney Store is having a deliterious effect on my language.


Which reminds me-- thank Ke-rist those assholes finally changed the video loop. If I heard 'Miracles Happen' by Myra once more in a 30 hour period, I was going to lose it magnificently. Now I only have to hear it once ever 56 minutes.

You know, music, I swear, was once more than the stinging together of a lot of barely congruous palatitudes and clichés. I know it was. Ye-eesh.

yum yum yum. A Sims food processor. They'll love that!!

*sings* Sometimes I scaaaaaare myseelf... this is not ooooone of theeeem!!!

*whistles blithely and wishes for fawn trousers, a flounced cravat, a black top hat, a chambourd colored silk waistcoat and fawn doeskin gloves.*


<<agé chose>>

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