The current mood of Lochinvar at

And I'd rather be happy than right this time.

08.05.03 - 4:51 p.m.

In the interim between the paying of tuition and the going to work, I was loligagging in the library At Durham Tech, not having time to type any of the things-- the Black Hatted Man's dealings or the Nazi Slytherin's manipulations-- before the great thing would come to a close, and I would be adrift again. On a bus. Rumbling home.

Home to a three-cat conundrum wet with girlcats and a profound lack of Phantom-boy-kitties. Signs being posted all over the old neighborhood and an excusrion to Hunt and Call planned for tomorrow evening, and to call the pound at last. They will make me come out there, one way or the other: I, who have no vehichle cans the whim of the DATA bus system in all it's great, evil anti-glory.

Taking, tuesdays and thursdays, in order: 'The Nature of America', 'Literature Based Research' (eng 113), 'World Civilization II', and 'Italian I'.

These are the first hen scratchings of my education.

<<agé chose>>

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