The current mood of Lochinvar at

feathers across your eyelashes, blood and toothpaste!!

2001-06-08 - 8:20 a.m.


I don't have to work till one today, so I really ought to go to sleep.

I don't know why, but I'm so rarely tired when I'm home. The moment I step out of that door though...

BAM! and the earth tries to eat me.

Yesterday was Arture's b-day. 1807, which makes him 194 ans.

And he /still/ looks all of 25. I ought to let him post in his, but nooo. I'm greedy. /my/ keyboard.

But I think I will type up more stories for him and his sister-friend. Maybe...

Oh, does Andre look smug this morning! I do believe he found a lad who had ideas other than the breaking of noses...


I approve. Heartily. Maybe he'll scowl a little less!

<<agé chose>>

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