The current mood of Lochinvar at

One, two, ah ah ah.

06.22.05 - 3:27 p.m.

It is time for the counting, once more, again. On the first day of deadness, my true love gave to me. Since last year--

We start with a plus. It is always to start with a plus. Plus up Two Jobs-- two Attorneys to love and cuddle.

Minus floor time at Morgans-- big plus there. just doing the website is a niceness.

Minus /time/ to do the website. MEH.

Plus the thingy at the Scrap Exchange-- Events!

Minus the craptastic w2 situation I am gonna have, come tax time.

Plus one Spanish class, PASSED!!! With a C, but Passed!

Minus any and all Jacko Drama. Huzzah! Last time I was in there, she told me how beautiful I looked. *facedives*

Minus my teeth. Two, two gaping holes! Ah ah ah.

Plus One trip to California, taken. And a lovely drive back with the Ilia. Getting to see tons of people and especially...

Plus the Some Girl! Whom I got to meet! And who is excellent! And her excellent Moon too!

Minus... time. At all.

Minus sex drive. At all. Or relationship drive. Speaking of which...

Minus Metia, forever and aye.

Minus a damn maurauding Scot of Just Not Getting Through Her Thick Skull. Minus her, minus a lot.

Plus the fact we're still friends. So there.

Plus some sweet new music.

Minus the Imogene. *Places hand over heart* She is forever missed.

Minus 90% of the music on her hard drive.

Plus Lafayette Red Molly, the Lappy of God. Upon which all the writing that was upon the Imogene now lives, thank the stars.

Minus two of his keys, but that'll get fixed soon enuf.

Plus two credit cards.

Minus (albiet minor) credit card debt.

Plus Mausollini, the new blackkitty bratkitty!

Plus a studio, downtown, where my artstuff lives.

Minus any steady sharer of said space. *sigh* So minus the $100 a month it's costing me.

Plus the fact that no matter what, I seem always to be able to pay for my therapy. :D

Plus the 14 month lease, which is not up til February 1st.

Minus the celing fan and new cabinets we were supposed to get w/ said new lease. Smooth moves, exlax.

Plus a really nice pair of new shoes.

Minus the great nothing that is being accomplished, Towerwise.

Plus some other projects, doing quite well. *brushes off purple uniform*

Plus Philadelphia. Well, wilmington, Delaware. And this excellent Shelle that I know and her excellent Bean!

Plus me, as the Comte de Saint Germain, come Saturday.

Plus so many trips all over the place I am blissed out on travel.

Plus, plus, plus...

Plus the Beast! My beautiful short-distance green Joy-machine, who is my l-o-v-e.

Well well. Seems I'm in the black, no matter what it feels like. But maybe that was just the Dead, creeping up on me in that way it do. La and dee dah.

*salutes backwards with a blistering grin*

There will always be Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm.

<<agé chose>>

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