Ding. 01.03.16 - 10:05 p.m. Over the year, over again, and here I am. Glad of this corner and the quiet andremembering that not everyone thinks like me and does like me, especially not anyone I love, and maybethat's all fine. Hello, O'my rocket ship, Hello, my Lets-See-What-Happens. <<agé chose>> 0 comments.notation.profile.DW.Quois.Lochinvar.smut.Tambourin.DiaryLand.DeadNazi
01.03.16 - 10:05 p.m.
Over the year, over again, and here I am.
Glad of this corner and the quiet andremembering that not everyone thinks like me and does like me, especially not anyone I love, and maybethat's all fine.
Hello, O'my rocket ship, Hello, my Lets-See-What-Happens.
<<agé chose>>
0 comments.notation.profile.DW.Quois.Lochinvar.smut.Tambourin.DiaryLand.DeadNazi