the drain.
05.29.15 - 11:46 a.m. I did nothing yesterday. I worked, I went home, I ate dinner, I fell over. I think the baby noticed I felt shit, as he fussed and fussed, but B was able to take over bedtime, and I... pretty much just sacked out. So that was that. Brandes is losing a lot of weight. I have... not. I am about 182. I don't look bad, though my knees are unhappy about it. It feels sometimes like I am eating the pounds he's shedding. It happens to people in my family, once we have kids, though. I dunno. I dunno a lot. Nothing really bad is happening, and nothing really good. Nothing really changes, maybe nothing should. The IUD keeps me from bleeding, but the hormones still come and I dunno. I dunno, a lot. I am covered in tea that the baby spilled. I am trying to work, thanks to riatlin. I am counting the number of times I wrote I in this, and I am cringing. The baby is banging at the closed office door, and I dunno. I dunno a lot.
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