the stars over the wasteland 07.28.19 - 10:56 p.m. This is the burningin the sky, the burningof I under the skin of someonebetter than I am, better and... softer. For I am hard and wildand broken. Completely broken. <<agé chose>> 0 comments.notation.profile.DW.Quois.Lochinvar.smut.Tambourin.DiaryLand.DeadNazi
the stars over the wasteland
07.28.19 - 10:56 p.m.
This is the burningin the sky, the burningof I under the skin of someonebetter than I am, better and... softer.
For I am hard and wildand broken. Completely broken.
<<agé chose>>
0 comments.notation.profile.DW.Quois.Lochinvar.smut.Tambourin.DiaryLand.DeadNazi