05.30.02 - in search of a good omen.
05.29.02 - What's to become of me? How can I afford to see my sister in Chussy or my cousin in Roxbury?
05.28.02 - In this time of death and bookstores.
05.26.02 - parselmouth.
05.23.02 - Don't have the second glass of wine, no matter how tempting.
05.23.02 - a bonny bloh black day.
05.23.02 - hentai
05.22.02 - hmph. Livejournal isn't working.
05.19.02 - The second best is the formal order, the dance's pattern, dance if you can.
05.16.02 - Discretion, satisfaction, delight, disturbance, bandwagon, forgetfulness, thirsty gods, pretentious underwear, and, oh yes, invisible nativity.
05.15.02 - My dear, we've come for your face.
05.14.02 - ugh
05.14.02 - Can you patter Romany?
05.13.02 - what I have felt since that morn of Rome and May.
05.10.02 - Mama I'm coming home.
05.09.02 - Let's pretend that I'm a hungry hyena, and you're a bone!
05.08.02 - Spitting mad.
05.08.02 - boil for 7 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
05.08.02 - I'm being followed by a moonshadow...
05.07.02 - The subtle flavors of a paris omnibus.
05.05.02 - Nothing bad should ever happen to you. You are a lotus-blossom princess.
05.04.02 - Make the white queen run so fast she hasn't got time to make you a wife.
05.03.02 - kick kick kick.
05.02.02 - I'm a gonna let it shine...
05.01.02 - Grace
05.01.02 - Beltane madrigals.
04.30.02 - May eve.
04.29.02 - Life... is a state of mind.
04.25.02 - She might be bleeding.
04.24.02 - profound lack of uses.
04.22.02 - profound lack of both admirable qualities and shoes.
04.19.02 - long red gashes
04.19.02 - plauge of the year.
04.19.02 - zap.
04.17.02 - we're doomed.
04.16.02 - sputter sputter, cough cough.
04.14.02 - This week brought to you by demons from hell.
04.09.02 - boiling blood and feces.
04.06.02 - slow ride, take it easy.
04.03.02 - Stormy Weather
04.02.02 - obviously you have me confused with miss Rosa Parks.
04.01.02 - Elysium
03.29.02 - come sail away with me lads.
03.26.02 - smile for our radio audience.
03.22.02 - Miss Misery
03.22.02 - not a happy person.
03.21.02 - we are stars, we are dust...
03.18.02 - "It's the one about duty." "They're all about duty."
03.17.02 - Flowers in an almost clean house.
03.14.02 - recently, he had a nightmare in which he was taught to read.
03.14.02 - with the covers right up to her neck.
03.13.02 - waiting for godot at the ESC office.
03.11.02 - act I: jobsearch.
03.09.02 - yhw dog yhw?
03.05.02 - a rock and a Soft Place.
03.04.02 - hail to the editors.

Darktime, 2001-2002
Harvest, 2001
Burningtime, 2001
Floreal, 2001

Darktime, 2002-2003
Harvest, 2002
Burningtime, 2002
Floreal, 2002
Darktime, 2003-2004
Harvest, 2003
Floreal, 2003
Darktime, 2004-2005
Harvest, 2004
Burningtime, 2004
Floreal, 2004
Darktime, 2005-2006
Harvest, 2005
Burningtime, 2005
Floreal, 2005
Harvest-Darktime, 2006
Burningtime, 2006
Floreal, 2006
Wheelwind, 2010
Wheelwind, 2009
Wheelwind, 2008
Wheelwind 2007
Wheelwind, 2014-2022
Wheelwind, 2013
Wheelwind, 2012
Wheelwind, 2011

Profile. @me. Homepage. DiaryLand