pretty pretty pendulum, life is like a dream. 09.17.01 - 8:27 p.m. I ought to be typing up my Eng 311 paper, but no no no. Just finished ye olde midterm. Whee! It was all matching. I mean, Wow, easy shit. I am in a very good mood today. I'd dance if the librarians wouldn't frown at me. *g* I can't think, so I guess I'll be shallow. You know what made my week? Finding a shampoo that actually makes my hair feel /clean/. I have really oily scalp, you see. Woosh. Our living room looks like a newspaper archive. We keep scanning the sheets looking for more and more info about The Crisis, The Cause, The War, or The Terror, depending on which pages you're looking at. Sophia is right. Flags are everywhere. We got a little stars-and-stripes mickey mouse antenna ball. We'd intended to get one for E. anyway, because everytime we see things decorated the stars-and-stripes (or cannons) we think, "Ooh, there's something E. would love!" So she's getting one in the mail soon, but she doesn't know it yet. Don't tell! I have a couple of written letters to finish too. All things far more productive than this babble. THe cat was almost drowned today. I think this entry makes even less sense than my livejournal. I am not going to link it in the text; it is sheer gibberish. If I were writing this in the black and blue paper journal beside me, I would be getting english credit for it. Heh. Home in half an hour. We had pizza for dinner. I love this country. Maybe I should enlist... no, no, we've sworn off war now. Does it feel to anyone else like something big and glaring has kicked them in the teeth?
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