But I'm Spoken For 11.10.22 - 5:22 p.m. Heh heh heh hehflee to the cornerswhen main street crumbles, but it's different for me-- Most of the time,I've always liked being alone.Except for you, of course.Isn't it nice,That 'you' is such an indistinct word? Meaning one, or two? Or more than that, if I want it to- But it's still you. <<agé chose>> 0 comments.notation.profile.DW.Quois.Lochinvar.smut.Tambourin.DiaryLand.DeadNazi
But I'm Spoken For
11.10.22 - 5:22 p.m.
Heh heh heh hehflee to the cornerswhen main street crumbles, but it's different for me--
Most of the time,I've always liked being alone.
Except for you, of course.
Isn't it nice,That 'you' is such an indistinct word? Meaning one, or two? Or more than that, if I want it to- But it's still you.
<<agé chose>>
0 comments.notation.profile.DW.Quois.Lochinvar.smut.Tambourin.DiaryLand.DeadNazi