The current mood of Lochinvar at

I am a very important man. I have me own Tower.

10.28.05 - 3:21 p.m.

I no longer speak of important events here but of important things, which are not events. Not events... at all, really.

For this is a forum passive, and non-invasive.

Like a tower, really. Towers, for all their apparently phallic nature-- they stand still, they pierce only heaven, they Do Not Move. They are invaded, rather, than do any invading. The worst that they do is sit whilst the innocent and not-so innocent are locked up in them.

Unless one speaks of a Flying Tower of pWn4g3, of course.

Perhaps I shall go see Mirrormask tonight at the Carolina, if I have any funds. Or else... another time. Soon.

<<agé chose>>

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