The current mood of Lochinvar at

Abel's Song

11.14.11 - 11:34 p.m.

All of the Good and the Hopeful,
All of the Common Tarts,
All of the Aging Actors,
Badly performing their parts,

Don't know the sky from a cesspool,
Haven't smelt blood on a field,
Believe that when the Great Moment comes,
They'd never yield.

But battles can go on forever,
Games are not always fun,
And when put in the same situation,
You'll do what you've always done.

So when it is all done and over,
(And not really finished at all),
Once you've looked off the edge of forever,
Uncomfortably clear that you're Small,

Wondering how This Could Happen,
And how you've forgotten to fly,
Remember there's doors to all prisons,
Above you still stretches the sky.

Now wait: Where's there bell for the curtain?
And what is the heart but a hole?
Go on as you've ever intended,
Go on performing your role,

Beware of the lurking usurper,
Beware of the end of the dream,
A nightmare's still better than waking, right?
For no-one there jumps when you scream,

In terror you forget your stutter,
The nightmare queen clears up your spots,
And you can be better than ever:
You can be Something You're Not.

<<agé chose>>

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