The current mood of Lochinvar at

Now I feel like Martin Guerre.

06.21.02 - 9:11 a.m.

I have lost my ability to make it rain.

You see, once, all I had to do was hum or sing a certain song if there were even a sliver of coloud in the sky, and in a day or two, WOOSH!

now, everytime I try, even if it is overcast, the sun comes out and burns me hotly. I don't like this.

Found the notebook that has my fantine-and-eppiefic, (no slashes, thanks); will post sometime. And look! I am thurougly moderne! Whee!

Now I have to work.

"Safely arrived in Artigat. Cows are nice, scarecrows are goregous, but the weather stinks. Persistant feeling of Deja vu. Missing you... XOXO, Me."

<<agé chose>>

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