The current mood of Lochinvar at

It tastes like burning.

10.31.02 - 9:07 a.m.

Glory Hallelujia, we got the fireplace working and a roaring inferno toasted the living room into the wee hours of the night.

Of course, now, the 45 degree morning is chilling my bones and I'm huddling deep in my jammies and hooded sweatshirt, contemplating more tea, nanowrimo, Jack O' Lantern carving, impending volunteerism, and getting off my goula enough to find the big, long, Doctor Who scarf for my costume.

Fox, who has the hair for it, is being Severus Snape at work. *g*

Silvara, who also doesn't actually work today, is still sleeping. I think she's either being Rip Van Winkle or a pile of sheets, but I am not certain.

The cats, of course, are being bad. But that is hardly new.

Happy Samhain, kinder.

<<agé chose>>

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