The current mood of Lochinvar at

Oh yes, yes. The counting.

07.04.03 - 12:41 a.m.

Hm. This is a very Virgo-ish custom, I think. Anyway, since Summerlast, we are:

Plus-- One apartment, wherin our application was accepted.

Minus-- One big damn house, the rent for which will be short.

Minus-- One Girlfriend and her cat, both of whom are in Wyoming.

Minus-- Another cat, my dear, beloved O.

Plus-- One Kitten, a fat grey Erik who is at least the size of 2 O's.

Plus another job, a la museum, albiet a very slow job.

Plus one working bike.

Plus one drivers license.

Minus one car, which has breathed it's last in Limon, CO. Further minus the $181 a month I shall have to pay in insurance to keep said Driver's license.

Plus quite a lot of time to do Rps, and Rps to do, not to mention the lovely book ideas.

Plus one mostly-fixed tooth.

Minus-- Dental insurance. While we're minusing that, minus the nerves in two teeth, which have joined my departed O in the flames of hell.

Minus my bank account. Just... Yeah. And the $250 for the deposit I owe my mom.

I suppose that year was my audit, as I can prolly minus the whole, freezing winter right off the list.

Fuck. I guess that's red. But the stocks are climbing, right past the pillories, a la purgatory.

Just you wait a little while.

<<agé chose>>

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