The current mood of Lochinvar at

And Tis the Time of The Counting.

06.23.04 - 3:00 a.m.

It is midsummer past, the Rabbit is dead as a doornail, as is her catyclysmic way, and this is the assessment of the year now past, again again:

Plus-- One trip to Paris, now taken. The Atlantic is my bitch. And plus the four or five hundred pictures of same. Oh yes.

Minus-- the seven hundred dollars I now owe Marechal Lannes, for the taking of said. Oh well.

Plus-- the bottle of floc. Mmmm... floc.

Plus-- one charming asian girl, My darling Metia, as of last september.

Minus-- that same lass, for a good six months of failure to communicate, miscomprehension, heartbreak and dread.

Plus-- that very same one. Again. For what it may or may not be worth: We're giving it a real honest chance, which we did not do before.

Plus-- One girl that could have been a date and could be a friend, though she may be a huge minus if we don't catch up with her soon, much gritting of teeth.

Plus-- one Therapist. Oh Yes.

Minus-- my goddamn teeth. As yet sans crowns, and flaking like a dry croissant.

Plus-- some more dental attention, anyway: yay. And a checkup at planned parenthood, though I rather need another.

Plus-- a good 10 pounds, which were SORELY needed, merci!

Minus-- any kind of second job whatever, thank bloody god.

Plus-- another year at Morgans. And some web design experience thereat, yay.

Plus-- some credits for school. Huzzah!

Minus-- any scholarly ethic I may have once had. It's gone, completely. You can minus the latter half of my fall semester right off the clock, thanks.

Plus-- The Winter: Lovely and Warm, and some of which was spent in lovely, warm Florida. Huzzah huzzah!

Minus-- my bike, or rather, the air in my bike's tires. Gotta do something about that.

Plus-- Ooh la latt�, and the Having of Friends there. Specially the Matt, the Laura, the Ceasar and the Jessie. Most excellent!

Plus-- Plans. A gig doing tarot readings for $25 on 30 june. So good.

Plus-- my paycheck, coming in tomorrow.

Plus-- More plans. Serious ones, for a month from soon. Change my life again, indeed.

Minus-- Jacko Drama, but what else is new?

Plus-- One Pacific Island lj wife, the luscious Erato, known also as Besideserato, whose proposal I so recently accepted, to my girlish glee.

Minus-- time to do roleplays. Minus time, in point of fact.

Plus-- several more Towerchapters, some Emily Searcher, and two potential Tower Sequels.

Minus the fact that not a damn thing is done, as yet.

Minus any sort of long-term vision, which I did have last year, really.

Plus a bunch of random people, who seem to be coming to me to be... taught. Tarot cards, mostly. But... the whole thing about how when the student is ready, the teacher will appear? I am beginning to think it works in reverse. Huh.

Plus! Plus Jean-Baptiste Corbineau, knowledge of, for he was probably My Own Dead Self.

The apartment is in Neutral, really, until I know whether or not we shall be allowed to renew the lease. Meh.

But really, against all odds, I think... I think I'm in the black. I can't hardly believe it. I...


<<agé chose>>

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