The current mood of Lochinvar at

On Stopping, or Not.

2001-07-27 - 8:15 a.m.

I wish I had the wherewithal to be more than dissapointed by the Belgian Girl's dismissal today. I don't, really. I am exhausted and broke and hopeful-- two months, two, in which to do something about The Cat. Talking to the vet yesterday was quite promising. I may be able to work something out with him to get her spayed because I am a) broke, and b) he has a FLV positive boycat, neutered, whom he's trying to place. So this could work out happy for all of us!

This is the one damn thing I have, useful, that I am doing; it's keeping me floating, and I am NOT going to let anything drown me. I feel like an '81 four-door sedan with a sticky transmission.


I have to work today, so I do have to put on the plays-well-with-others face. I think Plays-well-with-stuffed-animals should suffice though.

<<agé chose>>

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