The current mood of Lochinvar at

I'll find my soul as I go on home.

2001-06-19 - 11:25 a.m.

Wherever that is, but I am making a concerted effort to be unbleak. You see, oh best beloveds, I was fired yesterday. Or sunday, probably, but I got the message yesterday.

Why... because I'm too tired? because my boss was getting sick of looking at me? because I'm "wasting my potential" serving yougurt? Because someone thought I was being rude to them. Fuck that. I've been on my best fucking behavior.

Not good enough, though.

Cin said, "Congratulations on losing your shitty job!"

Caudelac said, "You hated that job anyway." (he can relate. I always stick him as a police officer. I ought to post the log in which /he/ gets fired!)

Fox said, "you're better than that job anyway." And bought me ice cream and wrote to cheer me.

Puma said, "You're allowed to be bleak." And sent 'the daily show' and 'the onion' fanfic to cheer me.

Honoré said, "Such is life in retail hell. You will find something else."

Quinn didn't /say/ anything, but I think he's rejoicing. The rest of us are trying to find what we did with our feet, and I think that covers those who know. Well, and now, my multitudinous readers, of course. *s*

So I'll go about today, I hope, searching, after I go and get my final paycheck.

"I know that god will give me no burden I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much!"

-Mother Theresa. I cried a lot more for her than for Diana.

<<agé chose>>

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