The current mood of Lochinvar at

Somebody said the show was hoopless...

2001-07-16 - 8:28 a.m.


Sophia wins the Three-Pointer-Award for making the rabbit smile from the longest distance, which, at the moment, is New York City. She sent me a loverly card with winged people on it. I Smile!!! And she even drew me a Fée Verte.


The rest of the weekend was munched between the massive jaws of moving preperation and shat out upon yonder glorious morning, in which I dither and blather once more. Today we find out whether Percy-The-David-Boreanaz-Pouty-Cat has Feline Lukiemia or not, which will determine whether he can live with Us and the O.

Oh, oh, oh. Which reminds me. I finished Phantom too this weekend. I didn't actually know what an Odalisque was...

but it's my kitten's long nickname. *Grins* between O and odalisque, she gets no quarter at all!!

an odalisque, for those who dinnae ken, is a Persian term for a girl trained in the royal harem but is yet a virgin. Not indeed unlike my poor screaming fraughtgirl.

Whom I must rescue from the Horrible Fleas (i hope) today.

So, today, I have Hopes. So many hopes.

Jumping through hopes.

*sings* Eeeeverythi-i-i-ng is gonna be a-all right... somedaaaaay...

<<agé chose>>

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