The current mood of Lochinvar at

La. la. la la la la.

2001-07-18 - 9:14 p.m.

I am tired as hell. I have been moving the ol' website and letting Stephen blather with Silvara-the-vampire, who is a character of Silvara-the-neo-Roomate. And watching babylon 5-- season 2, tape 5. Whee!!

And, as I have nothing useful to say really, here is the text of the conversation they had, for whatever it's worth. fun!


silvara wilde: Good evening. I believe you wished to speak to one of us? I am Silvara.

Rabs: a pleasure, miss. *bows*

Q: *inclines head*

silvara: *inclines her head* And you are?

Q: my name is Stephen.

silvara: Ahhh... Bella has spoken to me of you. She seems to find you....cute.

Q: *chuckles* So I gather.

Q: Not an adjective normally associated with myself.

Silvara: *sits down on a chair and crosses her legs* Indeed I am sure it is not. However, I believe you remind her of Father.

Q: *sits in an armchair ascroos from her* Father?

silvara: *grins, briefly revealing the tips of her fangs* Yes, we have the same... Father if you will. By blood even. *chuckles*

Q: *nods and grins back* and he is... cute?

silvara: *chuckles* I would not use that word around him if I was you. The word....cute is akin to a swear word according to him. I would use the words formiddible, or evil, or handsome perhaps in describing Father. But never...Cute.

silvara: *leans back in the chair, pulls out a cigarette*

Q: *chuckles* I see. In which case I believe I shall be flattered by her comparison. *produces a silver lighter from a pocket, offers a light*

silvara: *accepts the light* Thank you. As you should. She makes friends as easily as breathing it seems, yet praise doesn't fall from her lips as often. Unless it is to say that one is a 'nice!' *mimicking Bella's voice for that word* man or woman.

Q: *inclines head* de rien. and what does 'nice' translate to in her vocabulary?

silvara: De Rien? *arches a single brow in question* 'Nice' in Bella's words equals someone who has given her a gift, or possibly has helped her in some way but is still a stranger to her and usually a mortal who knows not what she is.

Q: 'you're welcome'. *smiles* Ahh. Well, I have seen rather little of her, but I am unsurprised at her... way with people.

silvara: Indeed. She holds the masquerade well for one who was so unschooled in our ways.

Q: oh?

silvara: She was turned by a Toreadore. He wished merely to have a living doll. She had her revenge on him in the end however and then found us.

Q: Ahhh. If I may inquire of your clan?

silvara: *she smiles briefly again* I am of the Gracca, I doubt you will have heard of us over-much if at all.

Q: Non, actually. I don't believe I have. There are so very many clans-- and varieties of vampire...

silvara: Indeed. I do believe it is your turn. *smiles sweetly*

Q: my turn? *raises an eyebrow*

silvara: *chuckles* I have told you much about me and mine, are you now going to keep me in the dark about yourself?

Q: Of course not. *smiles* I am a private individual, largely... in retirement, actually. As you can see, *grins more broadly* I am not in actuality a vampire. Contrary to popular belief.

silvara: *chuckles* Indeed not! You may have some of the manerisms, but not the...hardware.

Q: *laughs* so to speak, yes.

silvara: What are you retired from if one might be so bold to ask?

Q: Various and sundry things. My most recent... profession was that of a *smiles wryly* private school principal.

silvara: *raises one eyebrow* That I am afraid I cannot picture sir.

Q: *chuckles* It was a school for young psis. I am, at heart, a teacher.

silvara: That makes more sense. I believe you would scare at least half of your students daily however. *smiles and smokes her cigarette*

Q: *pours tobacco from a small pouch into a rolling paper* Well, there is that. I'm afraid that I was not particularily popular amongst the student body. To say the least. *chuckles, rolls his cigarette*

silvara: Is this why you retired?

Q: it depends on the timeline and universe in question, really.

Q: In one I was forcibly retired by the students. So to speak.

silvara: *chuckles* Ah, you are also one who spans more than one universe?

Q: In the other I was forcibly retired by the government, although that one I managed to survive. *laughs, lights his cigarette* yes, yes indeed.

silvara: I myself have an alternate, however she is decidedly different than I. Being at heart a Malk. And still sister to the alternate Bella, she somehow is Father's sister as well... It makes my head ache thinking about it!

Q: *chuckles* currently I manage to span three universes. I have been dead, married and then dead, and widowed, respectively.

Q: I have heard of the alternate versions of each of you.

silvara: Interesting. It seems to me, that to span more than one world would mean that we are either highly liked, or too hard to ignore. *winks*

silvara: Oh really? Nothing good about me, and nothing bad about her I hope? *mischevious smile*

Q: *grins broadly* indeed, to all. it helps when the writer is fond of we the ubiquitous. *smokes*

silvara: Indeed it is.

Q: your writer speaks only in hushed, dubious ones about you, fret not.

silvara: *chuckles* I would guess that would be because I am no longer 'playable' as the Family has left the net. Indeed, neither Bella nor I would wish to replace them, not that Father would allow it. Father being one who is not a character as we are, but commonly refered to by her as Monster.

Q: I imagine not... *chuckles* I have heard too of your Father, I hestiate to add the of course.

Silvara: *chuckles* Which 'of course' would this be?

Q: to having heard of thegentleman.

Silvara: Ah, I see... *glances over her shoulder* It would seem that my time here is over. *chuckles* *putting out the last of her cigarette, she rises to her feet with a cat-like grace not unlike that of her Father* A pleasure Sir.

Q:Likewise, Madmoiselle. *rises politely as she leaves*


No more editing an-y-thing for the rabbit this evening!

Food now. ye-es. I keep forgetting that one must eat to live...

although she might disagree.

<<agé chose>>

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