The current mood of Lochinvar at

and here is no great matter...

10.17.01 - 8:55 p.m.

Just out of English. This was wanga day of misinformation for rabbit. Perhaps due to disturbing dreams in which I cried lots on old friends.

But nevertheless, in newsland: rabbit is now Permitted To Drive (yay) as long as there is someone over the age of 25 in the car with her. This will do for now.

The cat is fixed. She no longer howls with the horrible patheticness. This is truly grand.

And I discovered this in a book of Victorian verse, which pleased me greatly--

"Thus piteously Love closed what he begat:
The union of this ever-diverse pair!
These two were rapid falcons in a snare,
Condemned to do the flitting of a bat." --George Meridith

Doesn't sound like any invisible grey-shirts I know... *eg*

Oh, and E.-- I didn't mean to disappear on you, but the Imogene died, and I had to leave immediately for work. So I wave and wave again. yeah, I was on a little this afternoon all (surprise!) more research to be done, and, AND! I posted this long awaited snippet which, aside from 'Off the Track' (which i don't remember the link for right now) is the most requested thing I have written. Although darling Grayswandir wants more of 'Everybody Loves... Someone Else. Not You.', and there are people who just have this absolutely morbid fascination with 'Grandeur'.

So do I , though.

Wow, I am arrogant tonight. I better go see if Fox is here to pick me up yet. I missed her today. Night all.

<<agé chose>>

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