The current mood of Lochinvar at

fun with nerdishness.

09.23.01 - 4:01 p.m.

Illia has gone away to see the Queen. If there is one in Scotland. I don't r'member. It may be the same one as in England.

I'm only here cause I'm a nerd who is downloading a patch for the D&D character generator.

I spend most of my time writng out loud because lately, it's the only way I feel coherent. Though I wrote a sonnet last night. Really. It's sort of eh, but it mostly follows and it's not wretched. Maybe I'll post it. Later.

I had something else shallow to post, but I don't remember it. I think I'm going to do my research paper for English on the Hidden Masters of the World.

Damn download. *yawns* This is taking for-fucking-ever.

<<agé chose>>

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