The current mood of Lochinvar at

my beautiful balloon.

2001-06-11 - 3:07 p.m.

I love my house, sometimes.

I didn't have to work this morning, though I do have to at 5. I'm tired, I have a headache, I hate the universe, I hurt, I come home--

this house feels good. I think it's all the cleaning I did some weeks back. And I hung besoms in the rooms, which prolly helps. It's not even too hot in here, though I have no AC. A little rabbit bubble-baloon, and even though I'm rarely here, unpopped.

I'll miss it, but not too much.

Arture jabbered about the prezzie i got him, which he's currently making me wear. It doesn't look right with my hair though.

and-- joy of joys! I changed This, so that it is now all pretty. Woo hoo.

I'd type things up, but I seem incapapble of reading. I don't work tomorrow, so I might possibly be capable of writing, later... I mean things that don't fall senselessly off the top of my head.

Oh. Oh. My guestbook was graced by a Sayyadina. Well well.


Swing, crunch, and up climbs Rapunzel's most unlikely prince!

up, up, and away.

<<agé chose>>

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