The current mood of Lochinvar at

urban planning for gypsies.

2001-06-11 - 8:31 a.m.

I have my promiscuity and my clean hair, what else do i need out of life?

Well, actual promiscuity, I suppose, which does not exist. Ah well.

Enjolratti build interesting SimCities, and Sims seem to love them. They call their cities "L'aviner" and call their mayors "Jeanne". They also like to start riots in the wearhouse districts.


Goals for the day (not in any particular order):

  1. Not get myself killed or fired.

  2. get Arture's b-day prezzie. *G*

  3. Type up his and ana's next November chapter.

  4. Call Bobby and get him to be a ref so I can apply to barnes and noble.

  5. Have dreams with niether catholics nor detailed aids/holocaust/massacre movies in them.

  6. Call my father about fall tuition.

    Doesn't that all sound terribly useful?

    feh. I go to see I'm scheduled at work or not, now.

    My so very glamorous life.

    <<agé chose>>

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