The current mood of Lochinvar at

now, soon, later.

2001-07-10 - 10:40 a.m.

Now: Typing this.

Soon: Going to wash clothing and stare into space.

Later: perhpas I shall throw myself off a bridge. But there are no bridges here. So much for that. Maybe later, I'll watch Heinrich Eggerman.

Last night: Had a lot of fun turning Alan-Arnaud into a Vampire for the good of the republic. Although it was actually Armand who did the turning. Can be a bit confusing... the diff between Armand the Assassin and Armand the Vampire. but there's a big diff. One looks like Vanyel, the other has fangs. One is occasionally sleeping with the scary telepath, the other goes for statuesque blond revolutionaries.

yes, well. To each...

And poor, poor Grantaire.

"So, I'm not dying."

"Eventually, but not today."

that's from the War of the Roses. You know, I think i'll pass, if it's all the same. Death has Been Done.

<<agé chose>>

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