The current mood of Lochinvar at

The road to hell is good for the gander.

2001-07-10 - 5:49 p.m.

the computer ate my entry. So never mind the flim flam. I copied these down from Honoré and Elza's fridge. They have little magnetic arrangable homilies. As follows: in the eye of the beholder.

Those who live in glass houses...Tell no tales.

God...should not throw stones.

The meek... sink ships.

Dead men... can't win them all. (thank you Grantaire.)

Behind every good man... is a good boy.

Money... heals all wounds.

Great minds... die young. (thank you Enjolras!)

Honesty begins at forty. (or forty-five, if your name is Quinn.)

The only skin deep.

Beauty... helps those who help themselves.

Boys... make the man.

One hand... breeds contempt.

The truth... is a bowl of cherries.

Life... is next to godliness.

Two heads... are soon parted.

Variety... is your oyster.

Clothes... can't hurt you.

Life... is the best medicine.

Laughter... Conquers all.

You... are free.

(and, Caudelac and my favorite...)

The Opera.. is a man's best friend.


<<agé chose>>

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