The current mood of Lochinvar at

Strike that, reverse it.

05.29.03 - 5:42 p.m.

So. It's the big Three Year Mark.

Last Year: There was the O-cat, the Different Medication, insurance was a thing of the imagination, sickness ran rampant, and I was lowly, but generally content. There was one job. The girlfriend was seperated.

This year: There is the Phantom-Cat, Yet Another Medication, Disappearing-Reappearing dental insurance, less sickness, filthiness of house, and I am preparing for Change, Change, Change. There are two jobs. The girlfirend is talking to a lawyer, but moving to Wyoming June 28th anyway.

So so, Herr Doktor.

My permit is expired. There is the potential of carness. There is a great wooshing sound all about my ears.

Still no word on the what-will-become-of-me tip.

Oh well. Scrubbing bubble time. P'zone due any minute.

<<agé chose>>

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