The current mood of Lochinvar at

yes this is a castle. And yes, we have many tapistries.

08.31.02 - 7:35 p.m.

At work, which has consumed my life like a venus fly-trap of late, my managers (when they take a break from giving me the 'a girl as smart as you really ought to be back in school' speech, in various incarnations) have decreed that my Eternal Torment will be to fold a neverending pile of tapistries while a bunch of obtuse Duke students unfold them, ball them up, and shove them atop my nice, neat stacks.

I go to work. I fold tapistries. I slink off to Fowler's Gourmet for a sweet tea, and/or a vanilla coke, and/or a double iced vanilla mocha.

This is my life, and it's melting like ice cream.

But it's raining here, and I can't get upset about that. I can get upset about other things. I can get upset about Gerrymandering, and the fact that I'm not in orange county, so I'm not the one faced with the worst decision for a democrat in North Carolina legislative voting come September 10th. Basically, it boils down to: The number one progressive Champion, Ellie Kinnaird, who was the only member of the state legislation to vote /against/ last years rediculous budget. What the fuck did we need with a cut on the inheritance tax anyway? No. Let's cut assistance to the mentally ill instead!


And b-- one of the first black mayors of a large town in north carolina history, whose platform this year for the primary race is that he's never sponsored a piece of legislation that's failed. Safe bet for a safe better. That's because Ellie Kinnaird will go out on a limb for what she beilieves in, though it's got her a rep as a loudmouth in the legislation.

As a board member of a gay rights lobbying PAC, we're endorsing her. She's gone out on a limb for us more than once, and though we're not her biggest campaign contributer, she doesn't accept more than $500 PAC money anyway.

As a democrat (for what its worth) I don't appreciate having to choose between someone who /has/ made comprimises (sorry, I'm a moderate-- you have to compromise if you want to get anything done) and someone who will go where a lot of politicans are afraid to go.

Anyway. This has made a lot less sense than it was intended to, and I'm still grouchy. Not the Marechal either.

I think I'll go code some HTML.

<<agé chose>>

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