The current mood of Lochinvar at

Nobody's business but the Turks.

09.12.02 - 4:13 p.m.

Yesterday, I think, was day of many accomplishments.

For starters, I had my first pint. And it was Guinness. Although, ew, it was /cold/ Guinness.

And I had a dead nazi last night. Please refrain from asking which one. What I mean is, I had a lovely mixed shot of Jagermeister and Rumpleminze, which tasted verily like a york peppermint patty doused in lighter fluid. Yum...

But. Also, I turned a nice Turkish lady onto Milorad Pavic and The Dictionary of the Khazars. This, I am too damn proud of.

Procrastinating on writing yet more. But do go see You Know Nothing of Javert! which has been re-done, and is, mostly, quite pretty to look at now.

<<agé chose>>

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