The current mood of Lochinvar at

Really Useful Things.

2001-06-26 - 4:32 p.m.


today I was Useful. I attended a site visit at Equality NC (the PAC/Project of which i am a Concientious Board Member-- consequently, of which i am also the Diversity); and hopefully helped convince the very nice boy to give us Money. There are Useful Things to be done with the Money, but never mind that right now, for my brain is fried.

You see, i also got called back about two jobs. one is petsitting, for which i have to send a brief e-mail blathering about myself, and the other is the Disney Store, for which I have an interview at 2:30 tomorrow.

my soul is SO for sale.

I also got a call from my mother, who must not have gotten the e-mail i sent her, because it seems she found out by calling /them/ that I am no longer employed at the yougurt pump.

I am not going to call her. I am going to hide at the Fox's house. And go to the mall tomorrow for my interview and e-mail nice mr. pet-man and flea bomb my house for the good of my kitten.

And the bug said the Dead Nazi thing I posted yesterday was 'the best thing of mine she's ever read'.


i am mad at html, though.

oh. read This while you're at it, if you're just jonesin for Occupation fic.

Ohhh. And Puma sent me this. About which I don't know just what to think. Yes.

now i am going to go look at the e-mail i just got from my mom.

la la la.

<<agé chose>>

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