The current mood of Lochinvar at

In which a rabbit finds it impossible to keep her shirt on.

08.20.02 - 10:01 p.m.

Fuck this, this waiting. I'm going to watch the Euro-Legends again. Whee! Three cheers for plot and Character! Though I like most of the Tangerene Dream soundtrack better.

I want a beer. Fuck.

*She stops waiting.*

The sky is darkening like a stain.

08.20.02 - 9:53 p.m.

So we're going to do more desichado roleplaying, this time as the scary Les Mis cast of So Illegal it Isn't Funny rambles, guns-a-blazing, down the east coast. It'll be at, though there is nothing there at present.

This is because I am waiting for Diaryland to send me the password.

This may not happen tonight I think, quelle dommage.

So go read about Snarky, flaky, aristo-boy, and me, I'll wait.

You know, while waiting.

Which I'll do.

While I wait.

*She waits.*

<<agé chose>>

0 comments.notation.profile.DW.Quois.Lochinvar.smut.Tambourin.DiaryLand.DeadNazi