The current mood of Lochinvar at

Love sonnet of your own black mirror.

06.14.11 - 10:50 p.m.

Don't say it. Don't say another word,
Lest you admit you know the thing you hate,
And further know the hatred is absurd,
Like Nate and Warren G, you Regulate,

Your tone of voice and careful turns of phrase,
You swallow aphorisms with your pills,
"It's not you, it's me," "those were the days,"
We've the technology. We have the skills,

To make you simmer down, and Bitch Be Cool,
Don't forget you brought this on yourself,
By naming names and talking like a fool,
Use another from the cliche shelf:

"I'm angry at myself, but not at you,
It's all right though. Do what you have to do."

<<agé chose>>

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