Grace 05.01.02 - 6:14 p.m. in a state of grace. Things were planted. There is dirt under my fingernails. The parental units sent beaucoups de cash. I am going to buy at least one book. Mabe more. Vive L'eterne.
Beltane madrigals. 05.01.02 - 12:24 p.m. Hm. I actually lied quite. I like May 21st also. May 4th and May 21st are the days that the most interesting things happen to me. In the former case, they are often depressing. In the latter, they are... well, often far less depressing. But good morning, or afternoon, and kisses all. Fertility be buggered! Today we plant seeds! There are three pots of wormwood on my kitchen window sill. Heen.
May eve. 04.30.02 - 5:20 p.m. pre-beltane rituals for a rabbit: it is to make crowns of clover while you meander the long way home so that you can look at furniature you cannot afford and watch the pretty girls at the preforming arts high school practice soccer. it is to sip a nice sweet tea on the patio at the gourmet grocery store and savor the beauty of things. it is to mutter prayers and beatific things under your breath and blink at cardinals, robins, and blue jays, who blink back. It is to decorate the altar with bits and remnants of Spring, like robin's eggshells and blackberry blossoms. it is to have a job. And I do. I start thursday at 9:45 am. I am to work at a very nice smelling place selling imported things. Pretties and postcards and foutons and beaded curtains with the virgin mary on them. Someplace with a soul. It is may eve. The first and last days of may are the only ones I can stand, and I cherish them dearly.
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