The current mood of Lochinvar at

Pick up your sword.

10.05.05 - 2:14 p.m.

She lifts her sword. She raises it against them. All around there are women standing, the creatures of the colleseum. They are crying for blood. They want the lady to lift her arm to open the gate, and to reveal the tiger. They want the cry and the ripped throat. They are waiting for the other shoe to drop.

But it isn't going to happen. Suspense and suspension will get the better of these, and they will linger in the arcadum waitiing for the Something Terrible that haunts their lives. They will dance in hollow, concious ways, unable to achieve distance, dissonance, nirvana, trance. Their gods will desert them, as mine. They will be desperate and lonely. They will never fall in love.

Lacking this-- love, I mean-- they turn to blood, and other confections. They collect cookbooks and watch the food network religiously. They dine on carcasses creole. They sleep and dream of sauces, they frame pictures of Emeril and eat yellow peppers and talk about flamb�, fricasee, cajun style, degrees of hot sauce, saffron and truffle.

You are my saffron, my truffle. You are my rare white sweatmeat, my secret sauce. Don't think I've forgotten. It is always the same, like the songs of Sylvia Plath dying like a dying fall. It is always the same, song of the silver platter. Song of Salom� and the End of Creation.

Shall I write? Shall I write? Shall I slide the head off the plate and kiss it with my bloody lips and bite the ink from its tongue? Do I do that, or do I let it all slide from my side like the rivers of his prophet-hair, do I simply turn gold and stare into the cold blue of the horizon? Do I let the Air Maiden destroy it all with a Song? Do I let her teeth pierce the air about me, winter's faire-la-bis and neveryoumind? Do I dare and do I dare, as the old man said, Tambourin's thin lipped and roll-trousered muse with the world's softest smile and the bleeding heart.

We'll see, she says in her savage way, and posts another chapter of the Tower.

<<agé chose>>

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