The current mood of Lochinvar at


08.25.01 - 10:49 a.m.

Well, i've survived the first week of school, and only 2 more books to finangle. *Sigh*

You know, L'abby did have a point about how one seems constrained to be profound here in diaryland. Profundity is well beyond my capabilities though, at the moment.

Roomate-Netta (aka Silvara) is making breakfast because she is Nice, and the Fox is Simming downstairs. We've got to work today. We-me that is. This isn't so bad, now that I can live off of my salary. Yay!

I'll e-mail my mom and tell her soon, but typing seems like so much bloody effort. I am a goliath matinant. See me sweat and roar.

And now I shall roar on downstairs, 'cause whatever that is smells splendiferous.

<<agé chose>>

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