The current mood of Lochinvar at

She is making little frogs.

11.07.01 - 8:50 p.m.

It is later, it is late.

I won't be able to finish typing it in tonight, but I have started a new chapter of the Tower. Oh, there is yet another as well, but I have to find it and finish, for Wolves are brutal kinds of dogs.

I have been reading Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter novels this week. I think the woman's name is Laurel Hamilton.... they are like vampire crack. I love 'em. Anita kind of reminds me of someone, but I'll think twice before mentioning precisely who.

But oh, they are fun.

Why do my brains feel fucked out? Good really for nothing but making little frogs out of candy and silly putty and whatever the hell is hiding in Dev's locker.

finch me, or falcon me. I want a dead nazi to drink before i go to sleep tonight.

<<agé chose>>

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