The current mood of Lochinvar at

I have done it.

07.21.03 - 8:26 p.m.

So there are some of my braw attempts at adverts. The rule is that they must be done while I am actually on the clock, not on break or else. So I have occasionally not accomplished the goal. But this is fine. I like challenge.

Much else I should be typing, or else I should say about my life, here, now, countelss questings and questionings of face and name. I tell you, it changes daily.

But that is really all I want to say. Save for the wavering of writing, in and out, I really have to admit that I am becoming uncomfortably more comfortable with the silence, the longer the silences get. Why should I say aught? The cards here are keeping my chest warm. Not to mention, my modesty intact.

Assuming that I posess such a beast, after all, as 'modesty'.

<<agé chose>>

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