The current mood of Lochinvar at

[insert primal scream here]

2001-06-13 - 4:17 p.m.

Okay. I feel better now.

Actually, I feel like a super-charged nine-volt battery.

*ding dang dong!* [energizer theme].

just call me the enegizer bunny, c'ept I am about to fall over dead.


Um. I had lots of things that were almost interesting to go on about at some point today.

I've still got "Wandering child...bravo monsieur" from Phantom stuck in my head, along with the beaucoups fic ideas. Some of which got started. Another Sandman/Les Mis crossover... "Color of Desire/Color of Despair". Featuring same. I wasn't really aware I /had/ a Desire and a Despair...


There is also a very odd triple crossover... Sandman, Les Mis, Phantom.... *boggles* maybe more, if I can find a way to actually get Star Wars into it. Or if I actually /see/ labyrinth...


Javert got googled for "porn theatre" O_o

Yeah, really.

Fox and I tried a Dead Nazi last night at this restraunt called Satisfaction. It's 1 part jagermiester to 1 part Rumpleminze in a shot galss, and tastes like listerine, and Opens your passages right up. Woosh!!

And sweet Mersault sent me a lovely e-mail about how she liked Capitane Grandeur!!! This makes my day sing.

which is a lot better than wild, manic screams accompanied by fits and the tearing of hair and clothes.

Much better.

<<agé chose>>

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