The current mood of Lochinvar at

God please destroy me...

2001-06-28 - 11:19 a.m.

If I ever sacrifice plot anywhere near as much as this does. Why am I linking it?

because it slashes HORATIO and SPIKE!!!

and ARCHIE and OZ!!!

i think i've seen this chick's Xander before, and eh. Treat sidekick-boy like a sidekick, pleasethankyou.

oh, oh, sweet. M*A*S*H slash! You can almost /hear/ the laugh track. *Grins* But this just might be because I am mad for Alan Alda. One of the most bisexual men in hollywood, imho.

I prefer Eliot Gould to the other Trapper though. Um, lesse...

just a word of warning, little ones. These are largely NC-17 goodies. and even the M*A*S*H one devolves into mindless PWP (plot? what plot!? also apparently called yaoi, with stands for something similar but in japaneese O_o)

damn. Rabsy, stop fooling about with the pretty boys and finish your job applications!

*interior mistress cracks whip!*

yes ma'am. *slinks away*

<<agé chose>>

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